This WordPress tutorial was created to guide for 教育研究 faculty, 工作人员, and students as they create posts for publication on the Trinity Ed Studies website.

This College-wide WordPress site is administered by the Trinity Communications Office, 网站的这一部分是由教育研究项目管理的. 看到 更详细的说明 通讯处.


进入Trinity Ed Studies WordPress管理链接:


Initially, the site will say “you do not currently have privileges on this site,” which is normal. 初次登录后, the Trinity Communications WordPress administrator will change your access to “author” level so that you can create posts.  下次登录时,您应该能够查看Dashboard.


当你第一次登录三一WordPress, you may need to navigate to My Sites > Center for 哈特福德 Engagement and Research > Dashboard.

在WordPress平台, “页面”永久地出现在一个位置, 但“帖子”(或“博客”)是按时间顺序排序的, 最新的在最上面. To start a new WordPress post, go to Blog > Add New.


Unlike Google Docs and other digital tools that support multiple and simultaneous authors, 这个Trinity WordPress平台只允许 一个作者 创建和编辑文章(博客).



When you copy and paste text from Google Docs or other word-processing files, 使用粘贴为文本按钮删除不需要的格式.

使用预格式化的标题来组织章节. Trinity Communications asks that you do NOT use colored text or other font decorations. 也, 标题应该用来组织页面上的部分, and not for decorative purposes as this helps keep your page accessible to screen readers.


You may need to toggle between the Visual / Text (Code) views to fix WordPress formatting issues.


Although the Trinity Communications WordPress platform supports body text in 像这样加粗, their settings do not make this style stand out when you preview the page online. 不幸的是,我们无法调整三一通讯的设置. So consider alternative solutions to draw attention to a key phrase in your writing:

a)尝试使用 粗体+斜体 同时.

b)尝试在关键字中插入链接,例如 Media,以跳转到一个锚链接,其中包含下面的关键术语表. (学习 锚的链接 下面进一步.)


在右边, 请参阅保存草稿的控件, 然后右键单击按钮以在新选项卡中预览更改. 但是,不要按Publish按钮,直到您被指示这样做.


准备文件名清晰的JPG或PNG文件. 为了你职位的顶端, header image minimum dimensions are 1440 x 617 px (width x height in pixels), 但更大的尺寸,如1600 x 1200像素也可以在这里工作. 为你的职位的主体, try to avoid excessively large images (more than 1-2 MB in size or larger than 1500 px width or height since they will be reduced in size by WordPress.

单击顶部的“添加Media”按钮, 上传图片, 通常使用默认的“不对齐”设置, 在没有文本换行的情况下,将图像放在左边的位置是什么.

In general avoid text wrap in WordPress unless your image is very small and is intended to sit alongside a paragraph that describes it.

Always credit the source of images created by other people by using the caption field, 如果需要,还可以链接到原文.

蜜脆苹果,图片由 Jonathunder

你不妨 写一个简单的HTML链接 在标题字段内,以指向源. 提示:如果您不熟悉HTML, 在帖子的正文中写标题, 添加链接, then cut and paste the caption-with-link into the “Caption” field of the image editor.


To insert an interactive table, chart, or map on a web platform, you need to understand the 嵌入iframe的概念,这意味着无缝地显示一个网页在另一个网页.

第一个, copy the published link of the interactive table, chart, or map you wish to display. Reminder: Do NOT copy the entire embed code offered by some visualization tools. 复制链接.

第二个, 输入方括号, “iframe”这个词, 链接的源(src)在引号内, 类似于下面的例子:

第三, 保存您的工作并单击预览以查看实际的嵌入代码, 哪个应该在WordPress中作为无缝交互元素出现, 类似于下面的例子. 总是在下面插入一些解释性文字作为“标题”, 可能是斜体, and insert the direct link for readers who wish to view the 全尺寸的版本.

一个Datawrapper图表的示例嵌入iframe. 查看 全尺寸的版本.


如果你上传了流Media视频到YouTube或Vimeo, 点击“分享”链接复制短网址.  In WordPress, go to Add Media > Insert from URL and paste the steaming video link.



Embedding Kaltura streaming video from the Trinity Library Media server uses the same “iframe” method as above, but with some extra steps to remove a bit of the embed code that conflicts with the square brackets.

第一个, 把你的视频上传到你的崔妮蒂·卡图拉账号, 然后在Media页面上, 点击“分享”按钮显示和复制长嵌入代码.

接下来,将长嵌入代码粘贴到WordPress中. Then remove the highlighted portion (to avoid code conflicts) and convert the remainder to the square-bracket “iframe” format shown earlier on this page:



Several options to insert a table of data in the Trinity WordPress platform:

1 – Use the Table menu in WordPress for very short tables, because you need to enter data manually.

A 非常

或创建一个更复杂的表 表生成器工具,并将HTML代码直接粘贴到WordPress的Text选项卡中. 您可以通过这种方式导入更复杂的表数据.

3 – Or build an interactive table in Datawrapper (which supports sortable tables), 发布它, 并将其作为iframe嵌入.



This Trinity WordPress platform allows you to insert anchor links to highlight key sections in long content and allow readers to easily jump there.

第一个, 在你的内容主体的某个地方, place your cursor *about two lines above* the destination and Insert > Anchor. 输入一个简单的单词(或用连字符连接一个短语)来设置锚, 哪个将作为符号出现在编辑器中.

下一个, 在你的文本的其他地方创建一个链接到那个锚点, 通过输入一个标签和简单的单词(在这个例子中:#Media).

点击预览来测试它是如何工作的:参见 Media.


This Trinity Communications WordPress platform was not designed for academic writing, 所以我们使用学术引文的选择有限.


1)最简单的解决方法是使用to an 文本引用系统 比如现代语言协会(MLA), where you place an author-page citation in parentheses at the end of a sentence,  或美国心理协会(APA)系统, 你把作者年份的引文放在句子的什么地方. Either of these MLA or APA citations refers to an alphabetical bibliography at the end of the post. 的例子 普渡大学写作实验室的MLA文本引用:

Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (263).

Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263).

Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).


2)如果你非常喜欢芝加哥风格的脚注, a complex solution is to manually insert superscript characters in the WordPress editor, 并在最后手工添加编号的注释. 这里有一个上标数字的例子.如果你想做额外的工作, 你可以为所有笔记创建一个锚链接(#notes), and manually insert a link in each superscript number so that readers can easily jump to it, 比如这个例子.2 不好意思,这很复杂, but we told you that this particular platform was not designed for academic writing. 其他WordPress平台支持脚注插件,但这个不支持.


A “pull-out quote” or “testimonial” calls the reader’s attention to a selected quotation, 使它与正文分开. 在Trinity WordPress平台上,你可以通过两种方式做到这一点:

1)简单但环保的名言: 单击编辑器顶部的Quote按钮, 在哪里可以插入引号, 归因, 以及关于说话人的额外背景信息. 修改你插入的引用, 从“可视化”选项卡切换到“文本”选项卡,显示WordPress代码. 这个方法很简单, but the Trinity Communications Office is not yet able to change the default “vivid green” coloring.




This looks better but requires several steps to “stack” different blocks of content:

a) Scroll below your WordPress editor to select > In-Content Components > Add Component > Testimonial

b) Fill out the Testimonial content (similar to a Quote) to make it appear after the WordPress editor.

c)继续正常文字书写, scroll below your Testimonial and insert a new WYSIWYG component (What You 看到 is What You Get).


杰克多尔蒂 信誉最好的网投十大平台教授

在推荐下面插入正常的WordPress内容, 您需要像这样插入一个所见即所得组件.


威廉·华兹华斯. 抒情诗集. 牛津大学,1967年.


1 这是一个样本.

2 Here is another sample note, which readers can reach more easily with the anchor link.

" class="hidden">金华本地宝