信誉最好的网投十大平台的课程包括核心的文科教育以及更多的内容. “加分”反映了在现实世界中无数的学习机会,这些机会来自于一所小型的文理学院, globally connected capital city.

三一加课程:21世纪的文科教育st Century

The Trinity Plus Curriculum, introduced in fall 2021, 提供应用和体验的现实世界的学习经验的机会,同时保持三一的实力 core liberal arts education.

信誉最好的网投十大平台独特的文科课程为学生提供了参与和联系对话的机会, methodologies, 以及学院各学术部门的不同观点. 毕业必须修满35个学分, composed of 32 academic credits, 完成师部以课堂为基础的课程, 加上3个学分,可以是学术学分和课外学分的组合. 课外学分强调传统课堂之外的实践学习,并扩大校园应用研究和哈特福德现实世界学习的机会, and across the world.

The three plus credits, beyond Trinity’s required 32 academic credits, 鼓励学生思考哪些经验(课外), academic, 或两者的结合)会为他们在三一之后的下一步做最好的准备. Students may fulfill their Trinity Plus 通过探索途径获得学分:完成任何学分的组合, co-curricular credits; or, by completing a faculty designed 3-credit Experiential Certificate.

An additional component of the plus is Trinity’s Wellness Program, 哪些课程旨在帮助学生平衡个人幸福与社会关系, academic, and extra-curricular requirements. 该项目关注学生在信誉最好的网投十大平台期间的整体健康,并为学生在研究生生涯中保持积极的行为做好准备.

General Education

培养求知欲和核心竞争力, 信誉最好的网投十大平台的通识教育旨在给每个学生自由探索学术兴趣, discover passions, 并获得文科教育不可或缺的知识广度.  我们的课程为学生提供了通识教育的灵活性和成为创新思想家的能力.


  • A First-Year Seminar. 所有学生都参加第一年的研讨会或参加一个门户项目, 将他们引入学院的学术生活,并加强必要的实践, 包括引人注目的写作和批判性阅读的能力, conduct research and analysis, and communicate effectively and collaboratively.
  • Foundational Skills. 拥有在当今世界取得成功所需的基本工具, students must demonstrate writing proficiency, quantitative literacy, and competency in a second language.
  • Distributional Breadth. 因为文科教育的标志之一就是知识的广度, 学生在这些学习领域中至少选修一门课程:艺术, humanities, natural sciences, numerical & symbolic reasoning, and social sciences.
  • Writing-Intensive Courses. 在整个四年中加强学生的写作和批判性思维技能, 所有学生至少要完成两门写作强化课程, including the first-year seminar.
  • Global Engagement. To thrive in a diverse global context, 所有学生都完成了一门以“全球”为重点的课程,或者参加了一个海外学习项目.
  • Wellness Program. 信誉最好的网投十大平台的整体健康方法强调学生如何照顾自己, one another, and their world, establishing and sustaining positive values, habits, 以及他们在信誉最好的网投十大平台及以后的行为.

Majors and Minors

Depth is achieved through the majors and minors​. We offer almost 40 majors and dozens of minors, 既有传统学科,也有交叉学科. 建议学生选择自己感兴趣的专业, cultivate their personal strengths, and in which they are most likely to excel. In addition to acquiring depth in a particular field, 专业课和辅修课都允许学生磨练他们的写作, analytical, problem-solving or artistic skills; to develop close ties with a community of academic peers, 并享受深入研究和体验式学习的机会. An integrating exercise, such as a seminar, thesis or final project, marks the capstone of a Trinity education.

为了帮助学生选择合适的专业入门课程,请参考 this list 根据学术系主任的推荐.

Co-Curricular Opportunities

Co-Curricular courses emphasize practice, application, and experience-based learning, extending Trinity’s robust liberal arts education. 这些参与机会满足学位学分, and are available throughout the year. 学生可以选择通过助教和同伴指导来发展变革的领导技能, 通过与学院教师的研究助理奖学金,为原创奖学金做出贡献, 并在第一学期探索沉浸式体验式学习的应用.

哈特福德市以及我们在国外的项目站点进一步增加了学习的可能性, offering an abundance of co-curricular opportunities, 从强大的实习和学生研究补助金到社区学习项目和其他形式的体验式学习和应用知识. Students in the arts, humanities, social sciences, 和STEM学科都受益于这些课程. ​​​​​​​